Dec 05,2024 | Petbobi
The character of the Grinch first appeared in a short 1955 poem by Dr. Seuss called “The Hoobub and the Grinch.” Since then, it has stolen the hearts of readers, viewers, and collectors for years.
Nov 15,2024 | Petbobi
Gathering around the family dinner table and reliving past memories or sharing new life events is a wonderful experience. Every Thanksgiving, friends and family celebrate with a feast. While these carefully prepared family recipes are excellent for you..
Jul 15,2024 | Petbobi
National Mutt Day, sometimes called National Mixed Breed Day, is rolling around again. Twice a year, we celebrate these one-of-a-kind pups by showcasing all the benefits of mixed breeds on both July 31st and December 2nd.
Mar 16,2024 | Petbobi
Easter is a time of fun and celebration, but did you know it can pose unexpected risks to our pets? From the allure of chocolate eggs to the hazards of a certain Easter activity, keeping our furry friends safe requires a bit of extra caution.
Dec 16,2023 | Petbobi
Imagine settling down for movie night during the Christmas season, your dog eagerly awaiting the flickering of the screen. This isn't just any movie night – it’s a movie night full of movies the best dog movies that both you and your dog can enjoy.
Dec 03,2023 | Petbobi
Planning holiday trips but don't want to leave your furry friend behind? Read this guide on choosing the ideal pet sitter to keep your pet happy, healthy, and comfortable while you're away.
Nov 04,2023 | Petbobi
The holiday season is just around the corner, so what better time to plan a getaway? If the Christmas lifestyle has you feeling a bit stressed, you're certainly not alone.
Oct 16,2023 | Petbobi
It’s the time of the year when ghosts, goblins, and ghoulish costumes and treats come out to play! Since Halloween comes at the fag end of fall, it is also a time when Pumpkin, spice, and everything nice are in full force.
Oct 03,2023 | Petbobi
Spooky season is just around the corner, and that means just one thing - dressing up… your dog! Because let’s face it, seeing your dog in Halloween costumes is twice as fun as wearing one yourself.
Mar 24,2023 | Petbobi
Just like children, there are many fun, festive activities that your dog will love participating in. Read on to learn how to celebrate Easter with your dog this year.
Dec 15,2022 | Petbobi
Happy holidays, furiends! Christmas is fast approaching. Soon, Santa Paws will bring yummy treats and fun toys to all the good little cats and dogs. To help your fur family enjoy the festive season all December long, Petbobi has created a list of...
Nov 21,2022 | Petbobi
October 31st is a fun time for both people and pets alike. From plush monster toys to dog tie-out cables and costumes, treats, and decorations, there are plenty of ways to make sure your pet has a pawsome Halloween.